Mini birthday party at an indoor softplay

Unfortunately I haven’t been updating my blog because my mental health is falling apart (again). It’s all got to do with the delayed construction of our home. As you all might already know, I’m a pretty homey person. So it really drives me mad living on a construction site!! I can’t take it. We have things everywhere because half the house isn’t usable. I am so ashamed to have anyone see our home let alone visit us!! ☹️

I can’t believe that Monday is now a whooping big 5! On the week we had my mother in law visiting. It was lovely to see her after so long. Sadly she had to leave early morning on the day of Monday’s birthday. But that’s okay because she got him a cake a few days prior to sing to him.

Ah how I hope my mom could come too 😞 my dad recently had surgery for cancer and is now recovering. AND Lil’Tuesday is currently stateless and doesn’t have a passport to travel 😭😭😭😭😭

Not only that, since I changed my job in February…. Things hasn’t been great. One of my patient died a week after being discharged to a care home. Honestly I didn’t think that patient would leave so soon. There’s so much office politics that really stresses me out. And I’m being pressured to make political decision because everyone wants to be politically correct and polite and leave the ‘choice’ to me. (how is it a choice when the only option you have is to carry out 2 person’s job because if you don’t, everyone will get upset?!)

Once a great place to work, now turned into a place I dread to go in daily because of these new politics. GUYS I JUST WANT TO DO MY WORK AND GO HOME TO MY KIDS 😭😭😭😭😭😭

The good news is, I decided to take 2 weeks annual leave so I can leave my workplace and get my ZEN back. I haven’t been meditating because of all these stressor (I know it’s so counter intuitive— imma go meditate a bit after this blog post 🤣).

I wasted my 1 week annual leave last week just DOING NOTHING. But thanks to that I think my energy is now replenished! 💪There’s oddly thunderstorms every night despite being super sunny the last 2 weeks. I’m not complaining because my lawn is literally burnt to crisp due to the heat! Any rain is highly welcomed 🤣

Mr. Monday and Lil’Tuesday in their awesome pool.

I hope all of you have a great week ahead of you! ♥️❤️

Happy Easter everybody! After years of asking Mojuju what Easter was about, I still can’t remember 😂 This year though he’s oncall so he can’t tell me about it.

I don’t know what you do on Easter but Mr. Monday collects eggs from the chickens and is made up with it. Lil’Tuesday however had quite a terrible time today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 MMkay I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s SO FUNNY!

Basically we adopted a baby Cockerell called Jim today. He’s really a cute one and was just sitting quietly in his transport box. Chibi our cat walked into the living room while I was setting up an isolation enclosure for him and Jim started FREAKING OUT. Maybe it’s his first time seeing a cat….

Jim in his travel box

Anyhow Lil’Tuesday’s hand was by the box and Jim pecked her. SHE STARTED SCREAMING MURDER.

Never mind that, Lil’Tuesday then followed both Mr Monday and I out to the backyard but she was holding an apple pie on each hand (from McDonald’s). Somehow the chicken escaped without my knowledge and Monday was busy shooing them back into their enclosure while I was busy making sure Jim had food and drinks. The other chickens then started surrounding Lil’Tuesday (bear in mind Tuesday is only half a head taller than them).

Well she’s really not that tall…

They started nipping on her apple pie and she started screaming murder again.

Okay it sounds horrible but it was hilarious to watch. Well got to teach them young to protect their own food 😂🤣

I have been so busy this weekend clearing the garden and tidying up that I didn’t even notice it’s Easter today 😭 I guess it’s probably because I don’t celebrate it that it just left my mind. Instead, I’m more focused on Ramadan instead and have been making malaysian food in line with the celebration!

I also have been really homesick missing my parents recently that I cried in my sleep few nights ago 😭

OMG did you realised today is Friday the 13th??? Σ(°△°|||)︴

I didn’t actually. But I had a horrible horrible shift today with lots of insanely lengthy cases. I also felt that I have been booked patients who did not actually need to be seen…. but because they have been booked; I can’t not see them. 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。 And unfortunately the entire consultation was insanely difficult due to the patient’s co-morbidities or legal issues.

I was whining to my colleague and they said to me

Well it’s Friday the 13th!!!

I actually have no idea what Friday the 13th signifies. ゚(o ̄▽ ̄o) But I know that this is the MOST TIRING shift I had since I started working here 6 months ago (T▽T)

Good news is that Mojuju has finished his row of nightshift, and I no longer have to deal with the kids on my own after work. (≖ლ≖๑ )フ (Throws Mr. Monday to Mojujuju). I don’t think Mojuju knows just how much Mr. Monday misses him whenever he is not around. He’s so lazy that he wouldn’t even brush Mr. Monday’s teeth with him and leave him to his own devices. When I asked him to do it, he kept saying that Monday could do it on his own. ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ Well of course he could, but that doesn’t mean he wants to. He misses Mojuju so much that every second and every activity would calm his sensitive soul down and have him to behave better.

Ah, but you know men. They don’t really think far ahead about anything

Since realising that Monday is a highly sensitive child, I have been noticing many different things that would drive his behaviour sideways ..・ヾ(。><)シ. And actually many of it is loneliness and wanting some affection. Sadly because Lil’Tuesday is still a baby and is very cute, she gets most of the attention. Monday kind of act out to get the same attention and has developed some annoying habits such as whining like a baby. ಥ_ಥ But Mojuju doesn’t see why he’s doing that. I’ve also been reading books and materials about highly sensitive children and it really helps!

There’s so much to learn about my own child who I MADE cell by cell. Life is such a mystery, and as Buddha always say; nothing is permanent. Not even the baby you made. He is now his own person and I need to know him all over again (つ・▽・)つ⊂(・▽・⊂)

May be an image of 2 people, people standing, christmas tree and indoor

We accidentally killed our 6ft Christmas tree summer this year. Perhaps the word ‘accident’ is a weeeeee bit misleading… We actually cold-blooded left it in the hot sun in extreme thirst to die. ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

Erm, don’t look at me…. look at him *points at Mojuju* ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

So this year I ordered a 80-100cm tree for Christmas which was cheap (for a reason)………. and we ended up with a dwarf Christmas tree (๑♡⌓♡๑). Sigh… Christmas trees…  can never get it right……. Well at least with this tree we can slowly grow it every year (PLEASE MOJUJU STOP TORTURING THE POOR PLANTS) with the children! By the time they are 20 years old we would probably have to plant the tree down in the ground for it’s size….. ♡ ~(‘▽^人) Yes but first, we need to keep it alive……. ༼ ಢ_ಢ ༽

Another thing we can never seem to ‘get it right’ is parenting.

Ever wished that being a new parent comes with an IKEA instruction book? I did, I still do. Sometimes being a parent (I’m not even a new parent anymore) really is challenging. We never know if the next thing we do will turn our kids into a psychopathic serial killer. Did Jeffry Dahmer’s parents knew??? Where did they even go wrong?

A lot of us take the parent role as an educator. We are to educate and to teach our innocent young spawns the right and wrong; the good and bad; actions and consequences. Afterall, if not us, who would teach them all these right?

But have you ever looked at your child as a teacher?

Instead of taking the role as an educator and teacher, step back and look at your children; what can you learn from them? I can tell you in my personal experiences, my children has taught me more valuable lessons than any self-improvement or self-help book can ever provide.

I remember the joy in Lil’Tuesday’s face when she was self aware in the bath, splashing the water in the tub. Oh that simple joy of discovering water! When was the last time I splashed some water and simply appreciate the sensation of water? I remember the look on Mr.Monday’s face when I dared him to run under the pouring rain. He was so ‘frighten’ of the rain, and he was avoiding it like a plague. The confused look he had when I stood in the rain and got myself wet, with him joining and screaming in delight later.

But one major lesson I’ve learnt from Mr. Monday these past few weeks was forgiveness.

Continue reading “Parenting is more about learning than teaching.”

Mr. Monday started having seriously high fever on Sunday night. Mojuju nursed him throughout the night but his fever did not go down.

“He’s roasting like a pig!” Mojuju tried to dress him to nursery. “I don’t think he can go nursery like this.”

“I don’t wanna go school,” Mr. Monday was whining half asleep.

So for the past 2 days he has been at home with me. His fever was manageable on calpol and neurofen and he ate all his meals too. On Monday night I checked him for Kawasaki signs (more info here) , which reassured us as we went to bed. I was however increasingly concerned about his flushed face. It wasn’t just the red cheeks that bothered me, there was something odd about his appearance which now I realise; his entire face was red except around his lips!

As if one sick child wasn’t enough, Lil’ Tuesday started to have chicken pox symptoms on the day itself

Tuesday (the day, not the baby lol) was brutal. Mr. Monday was having high fever all day, while Lil’ Tuesday’s chicken pox was full blown. Poor girl had fluid filled rashes (like really full of water) all over her body AND genitals, AND FACE, AND LIMBS. She’s only 4 months and doesn’t know what itch means, or what scratching is. She was generally irritable, uncomfortable, wouldn’t settle.

At this point I felt like my hair was going to fall out.

Then at night (Tuesday night), Mojuju brought Mr. Monday to me and told me he was complaining of anal pain. This is a red herring, he has an anal fissure because he wipes his ass so clean that even his skin came off lol. While examining his butt and putting barrier cream for Monday, I felt the skin of his belly and back, then told him to show me his tongue. His tongue which had a thick white covering in the morning, is now fully red with small red bumps. Strawberry tongue, I thought to myself. I ran my hand up and down his back again. Sandpaper rash…exactly the same as the boy I once seen in my paediatric posting. I’ve only felt it once, but I could never forget the sensation of such tough skin texture.

“His fever is not going down even with neurofen,” Mojuju exclaimed.

“He has strawberry tongue and his skin feels like sandpaper,” I told him.

“What does that mean?” 

“I think he has scarlet fever. If he does, he needs antibiotics as soon as possible before he goes septic since it’s been 2 days. If it’s not scarlet fever, I’m scared that it could be kawasaki”.

“So I’ll bring him to A&E now—“

“But the skins on his hands aren’t peeling so I don’t think it’s Kawasa–”
Mr. Monday cried in the midst of our discussion, “I want to see doctor!”

So off Mr. Monday went with Mojuju to the paediatric hospital while I stayed home with Lil’ Tuesday who was struggling with chicken pox. It was 8 hours wait, they came home at 6.30 A.M.. Mojuju was furious. It appears Mr. Monday was triaged as viral fever and they had put him at the bottom of the list. Even children that came hours after Monday was seen earlier. I was just relieved that Monday was seen, and that he did not need any hospitalisation.

“I told them, ‘look, it’s either scarlet fever, or Kawasaki, choose one quick’,” Mojuju explained. His eyes were weary from being awake all night.
“So what was it?”

“It was scarlet fever. Monday got some antibiotics now”

Continue reading “Mr. Monday infected by Group A Strep aka Scarlet Fever!!! Then Lil’ Tuesday…”

Before I go any further, I’d like to thank everybody for the overwhelming support regarding my postnatal depression. Here’s some love for all of you  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧!! I’m still recovering but I’m in a much better place now; thanks for asking! There are even some who reached out to me, just to let me know that I am not alone and shared their experiences with me too. ༼☯﹏☯༽. That is one of the most touching gesture, as I first handedly know just how difficult talking about them is. I think with that, I have achieved my aim of ‘breaking the taboo’ and raising awareness. Σ(-᷅_-᷄ ๑) Also if you messaged me and I did not reply this week, it’s because my phone is now with the insurance company after I cracked and broke the screen and backglass (talk about being unlucky (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )). I’m so glad I actually signed up for house insurance because only recently Mr. Monday broke our 65″ TV with a yoyo and it was replaced by the insurance company. And now, my phone! The £250 I paid a year definitely paid off — ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)

I briefly wrote about attending parenting classes with Mojujuju in our Chester Zoo blog post and actually got quite a number of friends asking me about it. I think it’s something every parents wish to sign up for but not something everyone get to. Afterall, don’t we all just ‘wing’ it? ╮(╯∀╰)╭

I don’t think I’m one of those ‘hippie’ parents that goes ‘don’t ever say no ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ (while the child is holding a nuclear bomb)’, ‘let their creativity flourish! ♡ ~(‘▽^人) (by wrecking the whole superstore)’, ‘my unicorn baby is the best °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°’.. LOL. In fact I’m actually a pretty old-school kind of parents that Mojujuju really hates.

I’ll tell you from the beginning how I ended up in the class;

Continue reading “Parenting classes & what I’ve learnt”

Sorry for the late update; I did not forget about this blog!!! I’ve basically have been extremely ill with a common cold. ╥﹏╥

Mr. Monday likely passed it to all of us from nursery. Everyone had a little bit of a cold while I had a full blown fever of 40C, chills and shiver, which then complicate into bacterial sinusitis, and then lost my hearing few days after as the bacteria infected my middle ear and created a pool of pus behind my eardrum.

Wow yes, my immune system is basically as dramatic as me. ┐(´∀`)┌

Continue reading “My Mr. Monday”

Before I start, I want to let you know that I do acknowledge that not every  mother manage to breastfeed and I am not here to let anyone feel shitty about themselves, especially just being a mother is already hard enough.

But if you were to come up to me and say ‘no, [breast is not best], well-fed babies are’, then I’m gonna have to disagree with you, whole-heartedly. Super-duper disagree. Big fat nope.

A well-fed baby should be the MINIMUM requirement— else you might as well starve the baby to death.

I can give you McDonald’s or a slice of premium steak — You cannot possibly think that ‘as long as I am fed, that’s the best’. There’s a whole galaxy difference in both of them!!! Like heaven and earth?!?! Unless the other option is to starve to death, then okay, I guess McDonald’s isn’t that bad.

Continue reading “Breast is best and you can’t change my mind.”

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