I’m not going to LIE and tell you that I’m all excited about my weight gain. I’ve always been a skinny size 6 or 0 US. I eat like a massive whale and never once had a problem with my weight. Until now.
Welcome to 30s and welcome pregnancy bod.
Mr. Monday, although the morning sickness lasted for 9 months, was an easy baby to carry. He was also on a smaller side, and was born preterm. Lil’ Tuesday is one massive baby to carry. She was on the 97th centile (50th is the average FYI). Literally the MAX size baby I can ever produce. Because of that, and plus many other factors, I was literally immobile.
ALSO— maybe I did ate a little too much.
I blame her. =X
Dude my appetite was of a dinosaur while I was carrying her!!!