How did you spend your new year?

We have been exceptionally busy visiting all our family and relatives. I personally have been busy meeting the needs of Monday and Tuesday 😭😭😭 they need CONSTANT stimulation. They are either in the swimming pool, the playground, wrecking other’s houses or running around my parent’s home.

My aunts, mom and I

My 3rd aunt invited me to her home for lunch. Lucky for the kids, she works as a childminder and had lots of toys for them to play with. Unfortunately… Most of my relatives doesn’t speak English so they didn’t quite understand anything 😂😂😂😂

Homg look at those food.

Her cooking tasted like childhood. How do I put it… It was both comforting and heart wrenching at the same time. Sadly my 3rd uncle is no longer around, but he has always been nice to me too.


The exact table I had my meals when I was less than 4-5 under her care!

The table has outlive many people 😂 how is it still so sturdy? Jeez… Things were really made to last back then.

I really wanted to have a big countdown this year but my dad had to go complete some audit stock check last minute 🙄… Yes he’s a bit like Mojuju, – – – – and everything to the last minute. Or is this a men thing? 🤣🤣😎 Well I just ended up not carrying out our feast 😭. Even more crazy, we tried to watch live countdown on YouTube and sis told me the channel I was on will turn into a real firework at 12midnight AND IT DIDN’T 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 I WILL FOREVER TEASE HER FOR IT 😂😂😂😂😂

I do this in every exam..

I recently took my RCGP exam in October. Hence I have been really busy. The good news is I passed guys!!! 😬 It was seriously surreal when I saw my results. I immediately started squealing outside of Lil’Tuesday’s nursery while trying to pick her up. There was a man lining up behind me when I did that so it was extremely embarrassing 🤣🤣🤣.

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