One of our chickens (小白)is now broody again as we’re again blessed by the spring. She wouldn’t stop sitting on the eggs and hoarding them, so we had to separate her from the rest of the flock because we couldn’t break her broodiness.
I watched her turned each eggs under her with her beak as she was meant to do. Apparently even if eggs are incubated artificially, we have to turn them around regularly to stop the chicks from sticking onto the shells. They’d die if they’re stuck to the shells when the break out of them.
I wonder how 小白even knows that. It’s not like she read about it, or she had any precious experience with it. Ah, it must be genetically written into her. A tendency in nature. Something that does not need to be taught as its already been written down in their DNA like an instruction manual.
We humans are so segregated by nature. If it wasn’t the Internet advice, I wouldn’t have known that I must not lie on my back when I was pregnant as it would compress on the blood vessels supplying the placenta. I mean would you even know??? It’s even more absurd that for centuries we taught mothers to resist their motherly urge to cuddle their crying baby at night. And in this day and age we even need breastfeeding advice to teach us the correct way to latch a baby to feed on our nipples. Nearly 80% of breastfeeding failure are due to poor latch.
It made me realise that maybe it’s time for us to go back to nature. Or maybe it’s too late, and we are now all just a lost flock of mammals who will never regain the instincts once blessed by nature to us.
Happy Easter everybody! After years of asking Mojuju what Easter was about, I still can’t remember 😂 This year though he’s oncall so he can’t tell me about it.
I don’t know what you do on Easter but Mr. Monday collects eggs from the chickens and is made up with it. Lil’Tuesday however had quite a terrible time today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 MMkay I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s SO FUNNY!
Basically we adopted a baby Cockerell called Jim today. He’s really a cute one and was just sitting quietly in his transport box. Chibi our cat walked into the living room while I was setting up an isolation enclosure for him and Jim started FREAKING OUT. Maybe it’s his first time seeing a cat….
Anyhow Lil’Tuesday’s hand was by the box and Jim pecked her. SHE STARTED SCREAMING MURDER.
Never mind that, Lil’Tuesday then followed both Mr Monday and I out to the backyard but she was holding an apple pie on each hand (from McDonald’s). Somehow the chicken escaped without my knowledge and Monday was busy shooing them back into their enclosure while I was busy making sure Jim had food and drinks. The other chickens then started surrounding Lil’Tuesday (bear in mind Tuesday is only half a head taller than them).
They started nipping on her apple pie and she started screaming murder again.
Okay it sounds horrible but it was hilarious to watch. Well got to teach them young to protect their own food 😂🤣
I have been so busy this weekend clearing the garden and tidying up that I didn’t even notice it’s Easter today 😭 I guess it’s probably because I don’t celebrate it that it just left my mind. Instead, I’m more focused on Ramadan instead and have been making malaysian food in line with the celebration!
I also have been really homesick missing my parents recently that I cried in my sleep few nights ago 😭
I believe cooking and eating well should not be complicated. I have had a few friends who commented on how ‘diligent’ I am at making meals or how ‘good’ I am at cooking. Let me burst your bubble; I am not. I am one of the laziest cook, but I am also picky at eating. So from now on I will share my ‘cooking hacks’ with all of you! It is how I survive university as well as working and being a mother at the same time.
This delicious chicken only need FOUR (4; yes I am not joking) ingredients. No oil is required! The prep time is literally 3 minutes; then pop into your oven / air fryer. Let’s start!
There has been a major H5N1 avian flu outbreak in the UK recently. I’m sure even non-chicken keepers have heard of H5N1 in the past (I know I have, even back in Malaysia. H5N1 is highly contagious, and although there is a low risk transmission to humans, half a million birds have been culled at present as it can cause severe pneumonia. Basically it’s like COVID 2.0 (but this isn’t the first H5N1 outbreak).
To protect our chickens (and ourselves), we have to place them in a covered run (aka massive cage). Yes, very unfortunately they cannot enjoy the freedom they are very used to. It seems to happen every winter anyway; when the birds are migrating. We basically need to avoid our little chicks from getting in touch with any infected birds’ poo and saliva. Most of the carrier of H5N1 are actually wild birds; and I’m sure you know that birds poo like rain! Even when they are flying!!