Hello everybody! I haven’t updated because I’ve been really busy with my exams.
Mojuju has been really supportive. And I have my sister around to help out with the housework and the kids.
After my exams, I had a girls night out with his friends’ wives whom I made friends with. We stayed in the hotel together WITHOUT the husbands and kids!! Mojuju looked after both Monday and Tuesday on his own for the first time throughout the night so I can have my long deserved rest.
We had such an amazing time (without kids, wild and free 😂)

I was really impressed with Mojuju’s capability to look after BOTH kids on his own. He managed it really well! All the husbands gathered together with the kids so it wasn’t too bad. Apparently the kids had fun time playing together too 😂.
Do you know that beer pong is REALLY difficult? Also darts…… I really suck in darts…
Thank you Mojuju for everything you do for me ❤️

It’s been so long since you gave me flowers 😂 so I must show this off! 🤣😍