Today is my first day at work in my new workplace, as a fully qualified ****** (why do we need to sensor this? I mean everyone knows I’m a doctor).

We celebrated my qualification on Saturday with a Japanese buffet meal with our friends from Birm! It was about 2 hours drive but it was definitely worth it though.

Princess Tuesday and I obviously dressed up to the nines. I even used the sarong that my grandmother always worn (pattern, not the physical thing sadly) as my selendang / scarf. We had SO MUCH FOOD. I mean it’s buffet, and it’s Japanese. The kids had so much sushi and sashimi that I think their swimming skills must have leveled up. I also got to cuddles with our friend’s newborn (5m). He is so teeny tiny and reminded me of when Mr. Monday was also teeny tiny.

I’m actually sad having to leave my previous work place. The patients and I got on really well + I really got on with everyone at work there too!!! In all honestly, I think I was in a little bit of denial about leaving. When I left, it just felt like another working day where I was just going to come back the next day to a full oncall. Sadly that wasn’t the case.

I got so many lovely gifts from everyone on the day I left. I felt so loved, and I felt so honoured that they thought about me. Also they must either know me really well, or I am just someone that is easy to buy gifts for. BECAUSE I LOVE ALL OF THEM; it makes me want to cry!!! From cute cat mugs to fluffy Hello Kitty diary. I even got vouchers to go shopping (heh, new robot vacuum here I come!!!). They also got me really cute accessories and stuff. *cries* why are they so nice to me!!! SOB SOB.

look at this ridiculously familiar face on the mug as well HAHAHA.

With that, it was the end for us. :((((( I already starting to miss them. However my new job here today, it’s in a place where I’ve worked in before and everyone has welcomed me back so much so I am truly lucky. One of them even told me that she ‘envisioned’ my return and hence I am back. I asked her if she did the rain dance for me to come back. xD

Cutting my workdays from 4 days a week to 2 days a week is definitely going to be good. I was well rested on Tuesday and even had the energy and mindspace to bring the kids out for a picnic yesterday. Mojojo was working on nights so it is good that the kids aren’t at home screaming and bothering his day sleep. Sadly Mr Monday wasn’t so happy with the outing because he could no longer fit into his skating shoes. *sigh* why do they grow so quickly?

Well, maybe it’s finally time for me to really learn skating with my kids. *____*!!

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