I found out that the smear campaign against me is still ongoing! I’m still living rent free in her head 😂😂😂

Sadly for her, the people she’s trying to sell the stories to, knows the real story behind it.

Even sadder is everyone is just pretending not to know including what she’s been talking about them behind (not surprising I’m not the only victim). And she really believes everyone are stupid enough to be manipulated by her when all they are doing is just entertaining her enough to stop her from badgering them.

But not me, because I’m done. There’s only so much I can take, and I hate gossips.

Not every elderly deserve your respect and kindness. Not everyone deserve a 100th chance. I think I gave enough chances, especially to someone who badmouth my parents and family!

Remember everyone, when you grow old, do not be a two faced hypocrite.

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