I recently took my RCGP exam in October. Hence I have been really busy. The good news is I passed guys!!! 😬 It was seriously surreal when I saw my results. I immediately started squealing outside of Lil’Tuesday’s nursery while trying to pick her up. There was a man lining up behind me when I did that so it was extremely embarrassing 🤣🤣🤣.
The journey of passing my exam was more excruciating than medical school. Studying with two kids aren’t easy at all, what more while working full time! Throughout my journey, Mojuju was my boulder and rock. He looked after the kids for me most of the time, and as the exam dates started closing in, he took all my anxiety up like a sponge. My baby sister Qyuni helped out whenever she’s in our home just so I could complete mock questions. I don’t think I could do it without them!!
Other than Mojuju and Qyuni, another 2 person who really helped me out was Dr B and Dr Q 💖💖. They both were also taking the exam with me, and we formed a study group. We helped cover each other’s flaws and taught each other important things. Unfortunately one of them didn’t make it with me. But I vow to help her out to pass the next try ❤️🔥: at the moment she’s recuperating but I’m positive she will make it because she is truly smart and has wide spread of knowledge. However sometimes too much knowledge can hurt… I think she faltered only because she knows too much and analysed questions more in depth than intended. (unlike the simpleton me 😅).
Other than the journey, the exam was actually pretty underwhelming 😒. The questions were nothing like the practice questions we did, and was more straightforward than I thought. Although everyone says that time is truly of the essence in this exam, I actually had over 70 minutes left (the exam is 3 hours). I wanted to go home but I was told that I had to be quarantined 😭😭 so I was there doing NOTHING for 70 minutes, while battling with my acute sinusitis 🤒.
If you have read my previous blog post, you probably wonder why I was so gloomy. I actually had an unexpected depressive episode about a month ago and just recovered this week 😔. I could feel that my mood was gradually getting low but there weren’t any trigger. Infact, I think I’m the happiest I have ever been: with two beautiful kids and Mojuju has been pouring so much love on me!! But sadly, my mental health had other plans.

On Monday I went to work sobbing. My manager was aware, and on Tuesday, I told her I really couldn’t go in to work. I had an insane urge to end my life, and I could not explain why 😱. Have you ever had an itch on somewhere you can’t scratch and can’t get rid of? That was how it felt for me. My heart was racing, it felt like it was on fire to jump off a cliff. Luckily I caught it early and self medicated myself (it was insanely difficult to get an appointment with my GP). In the end I had to argue with my GP receptionist to get an appointment to see my GP. My GP was understanding and continued the medication that I started self medicating on.
To celebrate me slaying the AKT exam and once again victorious against my eternal nemesis “depression-dragon”, I treated myself to sambal petai udang today 🤣🤣

Thanks to Qyuni for sourcing the ingredients for me. I had a satisfying meal. Mojuju even bought me durian for dessert! 💖💖💖🙏👀
Good luck to all my colleagues sharing toilet with me tomorrow! 😬🤣🤣🤣😭😱