We started renovating our kitchen in mid september and our kitchen is yet to complete!!! With a newborn and a 3 year old, I cannot stress how important a kitchen is to us. We chose Wren Kitchens because it was rated one of the top 10 kitchen in the UK, but needless to say I will not be recommending them to anyone else.

The kitchens were fabulous! And to be honest the built and stability of it seems pretty worth it. But what isn’t worth it is the amount of mental stress we had to go through for the past 2 months! I would honestly put the blame on the kitchen fitter alone… but I’ll let you be the judge.

So in summary this is what happened (TLDR, scroll until the end of timeline):


I’m not going to LIE and tell you that I’m all excited about my weight gain. I’ve always been a skinny size 6 or 0 US. I eat like a massive whale and never once had a problem with my weight. Until now.

Welcome to 30s and welcome pregnancy bod.

Mr. Monday, although the morning sickness lasted for 9 months, was an easy baby to carry. He was also on a smaller side, and was born preterm. Lil’ Tuesday is one massive baby to carry. She was on the 97th centile (50th is the average FYI). Literally the MAX size baby I can ever produce. Because of that, and plus many other factors, I was literally immobile.

ALSO— maybe I did ate a little too much.

I blame her. =X

Dude my appetite was of a dinosaur while I was carrying her!!!

Continue reading “If I can do it, so can you!”

Before I start, I want to let you know that I do acknowledge that not every  mother manage to breastfeed and I am not here to let anyone feel shitty about themselves, especially just being a mother is already hard enough.

But if you were to come up to me and say ‘no, [breast is not best], well-fed babies are’, then I’m gonna have to disagree with you, whole-heartedly. Super-duper disagree. Big fat nope.

A well-fed baby should be the MINIMUM requirement— else you might as well starve the baby to death.

I can give you McDonald’s or a slice of premium steak — You cannot possibly think that ‘as long as I am fed, that’s the best’. There’s a whole galaxy difference in both of them!!! Like heaven and earth?!?! Unless the other option is to starve to death, then okay, I guess McDonald’s isn’t that bad.

Continue reading “Breast is best and you can’t change my mind.”

As much as I love cats, I’m rubbish at drawing them. 😑 I had a tough day as I wrote this, I’m always thankful for Chibi’s love.

When in doubt, get a cat.

I won’t deny that cats can be real arseholes but if you have true bond with them, their affection is no lesser than that of a dog’s.

I adopted Chibi 4 years ago together with late Tora (RIP) after I was diagnosed with depression. They weren’t therapy cats but instead extremely feral. Spending time with them however was more than just therapeutic. They ended up being the most affectionate life pals.

Talking about Tora really hurts me, so I’ll spare you the details. Chibi would spend every second with me if given the opportunity. She does have some kind of attitude, but she’s far from being a diva. Compared to typical cat stereotype, she is an extremely obedient girl.

Ah, just talking about Chibi cheers me up already. ❤️ I’m actually typing this with her on my lap!

Again, when in doubt, get a cat! 😂

Everyday is an achievement

I’d really like to thank all my friends for the massive support for opening this webpage as well as for my previous post on my experience with depression. We had over 140 readers in a day! Talk about milestones (tee-hee). Unfortunately my ads for this website isn’t up and running yet so I didn’t earn anything, BUT STILL! Never thought anyone still bother to read blogs, especially my content-less blog..

I was ashamed when I was first diagnosed 4 years ago. Despite mental health issues prevalence of 1 in every 4 people, it wasn’t a norm, it wasn’t publicly accepted. Now I no longer hide. I openly disclose my depression in hopes to build awareness in others. I wont lie that deciding to write this post took a lot of courage. But if I could stop 1 single person from getting to where I was, it would be worth being judged by everyone. I really do not want anyone to go through the same, and I hope people would seek help instead of hiding behind a mask.

That wasn’t how I started however. I didn’t felt ‘unhappy’. I didn’t avoid seeing my GP or refused to seek help for my mental health. I didn’t know I was depressed. I was a relatively happy-go-lucky A&E doctor. I loved my job, I love my patients and most importantly I love my colleagues. I laughed at work with my colleagues, made jokes to cheer up my unfortunate patients. Did I notice something was amiss? No.

Continue reading “I have depression and please stop telling me to cheer up.”

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