Before I go any further, I’d like to thank everybody for the overwhelming support regarding my postnatal depression. Here’s some love for all of you  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧!! I’m still recovering but I’m in a much better place now; thanks for asking! There are even some who reached out to me, just to let me know that I am not alone and shared their experiences with me too. ༼☯﹏☯༽. That is one of the most touching gesture, as I first handedly know just how difficult talking about them is. I think with that, I have achieved my aim of ‘breaking the taboo’ and raising awareness. Σ(-᷅_-᷄ ๑) Also if you messaged me and I did not reply this week, it’s because my phone is now with the insurance company after I cracked and broke the screen and backglass (talk about being unlucky (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )). I’m so glad I actually signed up for house insurance because only recently Mr. Monday broke our 65″ TV with a yoyo and it was replaced by the insurance company. And now, my phone! The £250 I paid a year definitely paid off — ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)


I’m quite reluctant to blog about this, it is actually the reason why I haven’t been updating my blog since the entry before last. But then again I thought, if I hide it (as I am doing), then I am quite a hypocrite for telling others to understand mental health issues and not look at it as a taboo. So here I am, a second post about my dumbass depression that I hate very much, and I also very much hate to talk about it.



I believe cooking and eating well should not be complicated. I have had a few friends who commented on how ‘diligent’ I am at making meals or how ‘good’ I am at cooking. Let me burst your bubble; I am not. I am one of the laziest cook, but I am also picky at eating. So from now on I will share my ‘cooking hacks’ with all of you! It is how I survive university as well as working and being a mother at the same time.

This delicious chicken only need FOUR (4; yes I am not joking) ingredients. No oil is required! The prep time is literally 3 minutes; then pop into your oven / air fryer. Let’s start!

Continue reading “Simple garlic chicken recipe”

There has been a major H5N1 avian flu outbreak in the UK recently. I’m sure even non-chicken keepers have heard of H5N1 in the past (I know I have, even back in Malaysia. H5N1 is highly contagious, and although there is a low risk transmission to humans, half a million birds have been culled at present as it can cause severe pneumonia. Basically it’s like COVID 2.0 (but this isn’t the first H5N1 outbreak).

To protect our chickens (and ourselves), we have to place them in a covered run (aka massive cage). Yes, very unfortunately they cannot enjoy the freedom they are very used to. It seems to happen every winter anyway; when the birds are migrating. We basically need to avoid our little chicks from getting in touch with any infected birds’ poo and saliva. Most of the carrier of H5N1 are actually wild birds; and I’m sure you know that birds poo like rain! Even when they are flying!!

I never thought I’d one day actually sell my works — let it be a painting, craft, or food. I’m just never the entrepreneur kind of person. I mean there’s literally 7 billion people out there who are better than I am; why would anybody buy my works?

All I wanted was to decorate our house for Christmas. On my own I wouldn’t have bothered; but having children means giving them a childhood to remember. I wanted them to grow up with not just culture but memories. Hence why I put extra effort to make rice dumpling on Dragon Boat Festival and bake mooncakes on mooncake festival. I’m not Christian (Mojujuju is), so Christmas was never a celebrated holiday for me. My parents would simply continue working while my sister and I binge on Anime at home.

Unfortunately the only Christmas wreath I ever own/bought is in a pretty bad shape. Not sure where the pinecones are or even the bell who decided hotglue gun just isn’t for her had went. I was scrolling through Amazon for a new wreath, and something just came to my mind.

Why am I buying fake wreath full of plastic and unnatural material when we are surrounded by an amazing garden that never stop giving?

I then researched on wreath making and found out that 90% of the materials are literally right in my backyard! “This will be a nice project for Mr. Monday and I!” (or so I thought). 

Pinecones was one of the main material that I simply did not have. Where do I find a pinetree?!?! I asked around on ZeroWasteNW facebook group (yes, I’m bloody hippie I know lol) and was informed that we could find a massive pine wood right beside Formby beach! How convenient! Mr. Monday could have his fun at the beach and we could then go collect pinecones in the woods. (or so I thought).

Continue reading “How I ended up selling Christmas Wreath”

11a.m. on Sunday a bomb was set off only 10 minutes away from us at Liverpool Women’s hospital, a hospital mainly for women and newborns. We were on our way to meet a friend that day. I’m grateful we were safe, and that everybody else except for the culprit were safe.

What we know about the bomber is minimal. His name was Emad Al-Swealmeen which was changed to Enzo Almeni after converting to Christianity. He was a refugee from ?Iraq and is half Syrian. His nationality remains undetermined. He arrived in 2014 to the UK, and had his asylum applications rejected.

Continue reading “Terrorist bombing in Liverpool”

I briefly wrote about attending parenting classes with Mojujuju in our Chester Zoo blog post and actually got quite a number of friends asking me about it. I think it’s something every parents wish to sign up for but not something everyone get to. Afterall, don’t we all just ‘wing’ it? ╮(╯∀╰)╭

I don’t think I’m one of those ‘hippie’ parents that goes ‘don’t ever say no ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ (while the child is holding a nuclear bomb)’, ‘let their creativity flourish! ♡ ~(‘▽^人) (by wrecking the whole superstore)’, ‘my unicorn baby is the best °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°’.. LOL. In fact I’m actually a pretty old-school kind of parents that Mojujuju really hates.

I’ll tell you from the beginning how I ended up in the class;

Continue reading “Parenting classes & what I’ve learnt”

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