ABBA Drag Bottomless Brunch - Bristol

I recently attended a Christmas brunch with my colleagues. Apparently it was meant for a drag queen ABBA brunch with bottomless drinks.

NGL it was a bit of a ripoff…. the food was in tiny proportion; some of the bread were still frozen — feel so sorry for my colleague (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞. The bottomless part was also a little dodgy. You still got to pay for the prosecco, and although there were a long list of cocktails, only 3 were served and they don’t top up for you immediately….

Oh well, there’s no free lunch in the world isn’t it?

Other than that, everything was great. Good company, great people, lots of boogie and dancing. The drag queens are lovely and so confident; I love it! I also think I need some makeup tutorial from them lol.

I woke up with left shoulder pain from all the waving and hands up action…………… (๑♡⌓♡๑) It’s so embarrassing considering I’m not even the oldest person in the group and I should be way fitter than that. I also felt tipsy really quickly (눈_눈) and my colleague was like…. “There is literally no alcohol in this!” ༼ ಢ_ಢ ༽ Well I’m not used to taking alcohol so even just a diluted pint of cocktail makes me woozy sob sob.

I finally recovered from my long covid from October and guess what? I’m ill AGAIN

Last night during midnight I had sudden pains all over my body. I was rigoring too and definitely had fever. I didn’t manage to get much sleep because of the pains and tried to ask Mojuju to take Lil’Tuesday at 6.30am. His groggy ass was so difficult to get hold off lol. ༼ง=ಠ益ಠ=༽ง

Luckily I am on annual leave today anyway and had an appointment with my doctor regarding some results. She checked me over and I was NEWSing at 5. Luckily my chest is clear although it’s unsure why my sats is a little on the low side. The myalgia is 10/10 and although I’m contraindicated for ibuprofen I had to take it anyway as my insanely high fever wasn’t settling with just paracetamol.

I AM SO TIRED. Bless my sister though for baby sitting Mr.Monday today for me while I slept through the day. She also cooked for me; which was lovely but I just had zero appetite. Thanks to her I had a little bit of sleep… except Chibi kept coming and disturbing my sleep because she wants me to cuddle her while I sleep! That wouldn’t be a problem usually if I didn’t have backpains all over……….

See the source image

To celebrate the appointment of Anwar as our 10th prime minister, I am going to blog! (Actually to celebrate the construction of my new computer too. My monitor just arrived today; I’ll blog all about this the next time!)

There is nothing sadder than Malaysian politics and those who see no fault in it. Barisan Nasional our right-winged party ruled for a booming 61 years before being defeated by the opposition party in 2018. I’d like to comment though, that in that 61 years, we can never be sure about whether they were any corruption by the organisation hosting the election event. Traditionally when the oppositional votes are being counted and leading, there will be a massive blackout in the area; and when the power supply comes back, votes for BN would suddenly spike up!!! Funny enough, it happened in so many states that everyone started being suspicious about it, especially during the rise of social media era. In 2018, citizens volunteer to guard the buildings used for vote counting to prevent any potential foul play in the counting of votes. And due to the fruit of the hardwork of the citizens of Malaysia, Barisan Nasional faced it’s first defeat, bringing down our 6th prime minister who has had multiple corruption allegations: Najib Razak.

Continue reading “After a long wait… Anwar Ibrahim is finally the PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA!!!”

Hi all! How have all of you been? I have again lost my password lol and now can only blog from my phone……

My laptop GPU also died. I had to literally resuscitate the laptop as it wouldn’t power up!! So I had to like…. Discharge the entire laptop and pray it chooses the backup GPU to start it.

I realised that laptop prices are HORRIBLY expensive nowadays… And once a single component is fried, you essentially got to throw the whole thing since they are soldered to the motherboard.

So here I am, switching from laptop to desktop. I asked a good friend of mine to build me one and he’s going to do it for me this weekend. The only trouble is that I also need a monitor…. Keyboard…. Ugh… And space. BUT! It will be worth it in the long run!

My sister has also arrived from our home country to us! I’m so thrilled to have her around. I was absent the entire time during her teenage years…. And although we can’t turn back time, at least we are together now! A part of home, is now with me :’)

I also got my first COVID infection after bragging to everyone that I have never had covid yet…. I think I got it from my workplace. Sadly….. And since then I’ve been ill. VERY ILL. It’s been almost a month so you’d think that I’d recover by now but no……. No chance. My oxygen saturation now floats between 95 and 97. But I don’t wanna get admitted T. T SO BREATHE IN DEEP PRINCESS ICHIGO. HANG IN THERE T.T T. T T. T T. T

Totally mind blown. An absolute masterpiece that hasn’t been produced for years.

For those who haven’t been able to watch this, it’s now included in Amazon Prime for free!! I really want to review this movie WITHOUT SPOILER but its just too good that I can’t resist. So spoiler alert!

Continue reading “Everything Everywhere all at once 2022 review (with spoilers)”

I’m meaning to blog 2 days ago after seeing a massive rainbow on the way home from work. But I didn’t. Because I was too busy trying to bake mooncakes for Mr. Monday.

Yesterday I saw a small rainbow as the radio was reporting about deterioration of the Queen’s health. Sadly, a great loss to the country, she rested in peace yesterday.

Continue reading “God save the Queen”
Drew this on my new s22 ultra 😀

I can’t believe it’s been a year since Lil’Tuesday join our unit of odd-family. She’s still such a baby in my eyes…. And I still remember how she was helplessly a newborn.

We didn’t make a massive first birthday party for her, because my in law isn’t with us, and neither are my parents. I somehow do feel quite guilty towards Tuesday because while Mr. Monday got a MASSIVE birthday celebration and endless birthday gifts. Mojuju also was working on night-shift which ended on Tuesday’s birthday so I was really worried we were going to do NOTHING.

Thank god Mojuju agreed to go out to celebrate it.

Continue reading “Little Tuesday turns 1!!!”

A good friend of mine recently escaped a horrendously toxic relationship. I can’t stop congratulating him/her for dodging a massive bullet. I had my fair share of terrible relationships and while mine may not be as toxic as my friend’s it was as regrettable. 

The thing is, when you’re in the situation it is really hard to see anything clearly. While many may tell you that you definitely should run… your heart says… no. “S/he may change”. “We may work things out”. “I have my own faults too”. “I contributed to this too”. Its really tough, and trust me I know. I remember when I was in a relationship with this horrible guy who wouldn’t stop threatening to break up with me, at one point I could no longer cry. My close friends asked me, “aren’t you tired of all these by now?”. I was, I definitely was; and yet I still didn’t leave him! I waited until he left me because I just doesn’t know how to initiate a breakup anyway ಠ⌣ಠ

  1. S/he does not mix well with your friends, and does not intend to

Hmm, I get it, not everybody get along. I don’t get along with every single Mojujuju’s friend either. But most importantly, there should be a sense of wanting to be amicable. We recently went to a group holiday in the forest where we celebrated Mr. Monday’s birthday there. Those friends were Mojujuju’s friends and each couple has a child. We had so much fun! Granted I’m quite introverted so I did stayed back for some social events but we were able to enjoy holiday together!

Meanwhile my friend’s ex came over to my place (I literally invited this person and cooked for this person), and s/he was offended (over absolutely nothing) and gave me a dirty look in my own house! S/he also proceed to “$£% about me to my friend and said s/he would never again hang out with me. Cool enough, maybe we just don’t get along; however this apparently also applies to all my friend’s other friends!!!

Like I said, you don’t need your significant other to be BFFs with your friends; but if s/he doesn’t get along with ANYONE even superficially, don’t you think there’s something wrong? Unless your friends consists of all high profile criminals and drug addicts, s/he should respect them enough to be able to socialise!

2. Wanting to change your core beliefs, whether you like it or not.

This applies on so many things but the easiest way to explain it is probably religion. I do think that introducing your religion to your lover is something really sweet and loving. Especially in my opinion, spirituality is a very personal thing; hence it’s a little like having to open up your entire self to this other person. And the end result is usually an acceptance, if not an embrace of the religion. 

But sadly this isn’t always the case. Mojujuju did introduced me Christianity and while I appreciated it very much, my heart still doesn’t speak to me about it. I strongly believe that if I were to embrace a religion, I would embrace it wholly and completely. I just can’t have even a single doubt on it. I can’t say I’m a Muslim but I don’t fast. I’m a Christian but I don’t believe in Angels. And Mojujuju understood that. As I’ve mentioned, faith is a personal thing; and it should be up to the individual. It’s between an individual and ‘God’, no one else.

But when your significant other is forcing you to change your core belief, such as religion, even after you’ve tried your best and it still doesn’t resonate with you… why is s/he doing it?

3. It’s all your fault

I think this is the hardest one to realise because when you’re with a toxic person, they can really somehow brainwash you to the point you actually believe that you’re wrong!

S/he went out to flirt with others? it’s your fault for having to work overtime and leave him/her lonely.

S/he got angry and broke some belongings out of rage? It’s your fault for making him/her mad!!

You’re having trouble adjusting to this ‘new core belief’ she wanted you to believe in? It’s your fault for not trying hard enough.

Basically s/he could get away with things that goes against the mutual agreement of what an exclusive relationship is, because it must be something you’ve done.

Another massive red flag? Every relationship failure is because of his/her exes; never him/her.

4. S/he wants you to stop talking to your friends

This is when things start to get creepy. Why would a person who love you want you to stop any form of contact with your friends (especially those you’ve known for years before you met this person?).

It’s called social isolation; to isolate you from others so you will be more easily influenced by him/her

5. Threatening to break up

If you’re breaking up once a month, better say sayonara. Breaking up should be the last resort; not as a means to control the other person. If you truly have an issue and you’re NOT changing for the better, it’s logical to want to break up with you; but if you clearly suck, then s/he should just say goodbye to you. But why repeated break up threats? It’s just tiring.

No photo description available.

 1. Virginity equates to honour.

I grew up in a conservative community and my mom has always emphasised on virginity and purity. This caused me to remain a virgin until I met Mojujuju. Pretty sure I lost a few exes because I refused to have sex anyway ┐(´д`)┌. However for some reason virginity only applies to girls and not boys? It’s fine for the boys to sleep with 100000 but the moment one of us are known to have ‘lost our flower’, suddenly we’re as trashy as it can be.
When I ‘lost my virginity’ to Mojujuju, it was… ugh… breathtaking in a way but also super underwhelming. I don’t know what I was expecting lol but… well… that’s it? So I’m… not a virgin anymore??! (╬ಠิ益ಠิ) What does this even mean??! 

I don’t recommend sleeping around okay — (risk of STD lol). But I just think women should stop being brainwashed about virginity and how it ruins their ‘honour’. I think once they hit 25 especially (like me), it’s just pointless. I still do think that love making is something very intimate however, and is something that would truly affect you if you don’t carry it out with the right person. So ‘yes’ to careful selection of who you have sex with, ‘no’ to pushing virginity and honour concept.

Continue reading “10 [controversial] things I’ve learnt growing up that simply isn’t true.”

I’m sure half of you is having a mini panic attack just by reading the title of this post. Death is something so difficult to talk about, and I DID NOT choose to talk about it with Monday. He wanted me to read one of the Fairytales in Chinese that I bought for him in attempt to 1. teach him mandarin / chinese, 2. improve my mandarin reading skills (loll not going well since all I do is read the pinyin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) 

The Little Matchgirl (Short 2006) - IMDb

If you don’t know this classic tale, it’s basically about a girl who sell matches in the winter and couldn’t sell any and couldn’t go home. She decided to sit in the cold and lit all her matches while fantasizing about warmth, food and lastly love from her late grandmother. She obviously died; and that was it. WHAT A FUTILE AND SAD STORY. Seriously some of Hans Anderson’s stories are just painfully pointless. I honestly don’t know what the moral of the story is. To not sell matchsticks?

When I told Monday that she saw her grandmother and lit all her matches so she could hug her grandmother, and then died — Monday’s face went flat white.

“She die?”

Me: Yea..

Monday: Awh that’s so sad. I don’t want her to die. Why she die?

Continue reading “Discussin ‘Death’ with my 4 year old.”

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