Our favourite girl has now turn two! I’d love to pass my crown as Princess Ichigo to Lil’Tuesday because not only she’s as sassy as I am was, she also loves strawberries as much as I did and loves posing with ’em strawberries!

Like the little bull she is, she is as stubborn as one but also as loving as one. She is currently STILL very attached to me. She finds me all the time the moment she comes home. She gets upset if I wasn’t at home and would start basically look through the entire house!!!

I was in the hospital seeing an ophthalmologist due to my new eye issue and Mojuju brought her home without me. She was crying by the door calling “mommy” all the time.

Despite turning two, she’s really not great at her speech. She learns fast, except with speech thought…. She does try but her pronunciation is just appalling πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. I’ve been trying to speak to her in mandarin too so I don’t repeat my failure with Mr. Monday…. And she does understand it well surprisingly!

I hope Lil’Tuesday continues to be the diva she is. I really hope that she always put herself first and never let patriarchy put her down. I love her to bits, and will always miss our nightly tickling moments.

I never thought I’d write this, but for some reason my family got involved and I was pretty upset. But now my mind is clear and free, and if anybody is in the same sticky situation as me: I’m writing this post for you.

Recently I have decided to stop pretending not to know about the name calling and false rumour spread from a certain person. It started 5 years ago and to maintain an amicable relationship, I closed an eye and an ear. However recent events has really enlightened me that some people not only do not have conscience but also basic moral values: and really, keeping a distance is the best thing to do.

I have been called a narcissist, evil, toxic, Meghan Munny πŸ˜‚ (this one is hilarious), and throughout, I just pretended as if I never knew. I really with all my heart wanted to maintain a good relationship. But what would you do if you were in the same situation?

I could, right now expose this person. I could really, right now, post all the evidence and proof that I have that would clear my name to those who have been affected by the lies told about me. I don’t think that person knew just how much evidence I have about him/her, or the fact that others have sent me other evidence because they know me better and many have even been victim of similar issue by the very same culprit.

Continue reading “What would you do if someone has been backstabbing and accusing you of something you did not do?”

Recently my sister has been living with us when she’s not in her placement. She saw one of my storage acorn which she was like “AWWW this is such a cute container!”

Yes this was the acorn storage container that we somehow got from TKmaxx when we first move in.

“Oh that’s where I used to hid our condoms when we were still using them.” (we got much more reliable contraception now since we have TWO critters)

The trauma in her face was unimaginable.

P/s: Do forgive her innocence, she did just only obtained her 21-key-of-freedom πŸ˜‚

“Why would you hide your condom here?!”

“ERM so that if we ever get robbed the robbers wouldn’t find our condom?”

“….. This is… Such a suspicious container. Like. Wouldn’t this be where they first search?!”

“I thought this container is really discreet? I mean… You wouldn’t think you can open this would you?”

“… No…. Its pretty obvious that you can open it…… Also why do you need to hide the condom in the first place? Shouldn’t you be hiding valuables?”


So I bought a really cheap hair curler from Temu for about Β£2. And it works WONDERS.

Througout my teens I’ve been trying many different curlers… Foam curlers… Kawaii strawberry curlers… Hair rollers, even the weird ones that u have to hook your hair into individually!

Unfortunately they are either too labour intensive, tricky, time consuming, or just horribly unfriendly.

BUT THISSSSSSSS! Not only it curls my hair overnight, it also keeps my hair from flying everywhere at home. And I do think that it’s quite cute when worn πŸ˜‚

The top knot did come off when I woke up. Not sure if it’s just me sleeping like an ogre… But the curler was still intact!

I would highly recommend it but then my sister told me I could have done the same thing with a pair of old stockings…. 😭

I am currently having quite a health scare. I basically have been losing so much weight that I was size 10-12 and now I’m size 6! All this happened within a year.

Remember after giving birth to Lil’Tuesday I vow to lose weight? Well… apparently my resolve wasn’t that strong and after probably 3 sessions of jogging and running I turned back into a couch potato. But instead of gaining weight or just having my weight being steady, they began to drop off me like flies!!!

Okay half of you are probably thinking “Oh good for her. Look at her complaining about effortless weight loss…smh”.

WELL NO. Unintentional weight loss is a massive red flag for malignancy aka cancer.

I was finally 50kg and was able to donate blood. Within 2 weeks it continued to drop to below 50kg and I could no longer be eligible for donation anymore!!! T____T

well at least I got to donate my blood at least once in my life…

I even tried on my shorts that I had when I was 18 and you know what… It’s so loose that it’s falling off my hips. DUDE, I WAS ALMOST AS THIN AS A TOOTHPICK WHEN I WAS 18. And now I’m… thinner than that?!??!?!

Why am I so afraid of having cancer — because I have 2 children.

Honestly if it wasn’t for Mr. Monday or Lil’Tuesday I’m seriously not bothered. I have firsthand seen my close friends who suddenly lost their mother living a completely different life than when their moms were there… No one is to be blamed, but I know if auntie was there, she would have wanted them to have a very different growing up experience.

I think what I’m most afraid of is that both Monday and Tuesday are so young… and the chances of them remembering me is so slim. Will they know just how much I love them? Will they know just how much I wish to be with them?

Anyhooooooo I finally got a GP appointment after months of trying. I think it’s because of the new law of GP surgeries not allowed to ask patient to call back another day for appointment…. I’m sure that law is going to break all GP surgeries but I’m just so bloody glad I got an appointment. They sent me for a blood test and immediately after the blood test they rang me telling me that they need to discuss my results face to face….. talk about anxiety — this is not making me feel any better.

No one should be losing this much weight by … sitting around.

I really hope I’m just another stupid hypochondriac ._.!!

Mini birthday party at an indoor softplay

Unfortunately I haven’t been updating my blog because my mental health is falling apart (again). It’s all got to do with the delayed construction of our home. As you all might already know, I’m a pretty homey person. So it really drives me mad living on a construction site!! I can’t take it. We have things everywhere because half the house isn’t usable. I am so ashamed to have anyone see our home let alone visit us!! ☹️

I can’t believe that Monday is now a whooping big 5! On the week we had my mother in law visiting. It was lovely to see her after so long. Sadly she had to leave early morning on the day of Monday’s birthday. But that’s okay because she got him a cake a few days prior to sing to him.

Ah how I hope my mom could come too 😞 my dad recently had surgery for cancer and is now recovering. AND Lil’Tuesday is currently stateless and doesn’t have a passport to travel 😭😭😭😭😭

Not only that, since I changed my job in February…. Things hasn’t been great. One of my patient died a week after being discharged to a care home. Honestly I didn’t think that patient would leave so soon. There’s so much office politics that really stresses me out. And I’m being pressured to make political decision because everyone wants to be politically correct and polite and leave the ‘choice’ to me. (how is it a choice when the only option you have is to carry out 2 person’s job because if you don’t, everyone will get upset?!)

Once a great place to work, now turned into a place I dread to go in daily because of these new politics. GUYS I JUST WANT TO DO MY WORK AND GO HOME TO MY KIDS 😭😭😭😭😭😭

The good news is, I decided to take 2 weeks annual leave so I can leave my workplace and get my ZEN back. I haven’t been meditating because of all these stressor (I know it’s so counter intuitive— imma go meditate a bit after this blog post 🀣).

I wasted my 1 week annual leave last week just DOING NOTHING. But thanks to that I think my energy is now replenished! πŸ’ͺThere’s oddly thunderstorms every night despite being super sunny the last 2 weeks. I’m not complaining because my lawn is literally burnt to crisp due to the heat! Any rain is highly welcomed 🀣

Mr. Monday and Lil’Tuesday in their awesome pool.

I hope all of you have a great week ahead of you! β™₯️❀️

Happy Easter everybody! After years of asking Mojuju what Easter was about, I still can’t remember πŸ˜‚ This year though he’s oncall so he can’t tell me about it.

I don’t know what you do on Easter but Mr. Monday collects eggs from the chickens and is made up with it. Lil’Tuesday however had quite a terrible time today. 🀣🀣🀣🀣 MMkay I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s SO FUNNY!

Basically we adopted a baby Cockerell called Jim today. He’s really a cute one and was just sitting quietly in his transport box. Chibi our cat walked into the living room while I was setting up an isolation enclosure for him and Jim started FREAKING OUT. Maybe it’s his first time seeing a cat….

Jim in his travel box

Anyhow Lil’Tuesday’s hand was by the box and Jim pecked her. SHE STARTED SCREAMING MURDER.

Never mind that, Lil’Tuesday then followed both Mr Monday and I out to the backyard but she was holding an apple pie on each hand (from McDonald’s). Somehow the chicken escaped without my knowledge and Monday was busy shooing them back into their enclosure while I was busy making sure Jim had food and drinks. The other chickens then started surrounding Lil’Tuesday (bear in mind Tuesday is only half a head taller than them).

Well she’s really not that tall…

They started nipping on her apple pie and she started screaming murder again.

Okay it sounds horrible but it was hilarious to watch. Well got to teach them young to protect their own food πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I have been so busy this weekend clearing the garden and tidying up that I didn’t even notice it’s Easter today 😭 I guess it’s probably because I don’t celebrate it that it just left my mind. Instead, I’m more focused on Ramadan instead and have been making malaysian food in line with the celebration!

I also have been really homesick missing my parents recently that I cried in my sleep few nights ago 😭

To those who doesn’t know, I have moved on to another job (under same employer). Shockingly although the job is the same hours with increased duties (I will explain in a bit), my pay has been cut Β£600 pretax, Β£400 post tax!!

What the…

I obviously only found this out after my first pay. Which is alarming!


Not only that… I’m literally doing duties for two people (I’m not going to explain this, go figure πŸ™ I’m sure you can guess why).

I’m asking my employer to protect my pay (which is a right we have) and was told that I might not be eligible. I don’t think this is right so I’m having ongoing dispute with them at present.

The only good news I have is that the current seniors and consultant in my new workplace actually acknowledge and appreciate my contribution and they will try to distribute the duties equally so it wouldn’t all fall on me. 😭 Just being appreciated this way really made me feel better: I have been moaning about how much I hate my job for the part 1 month, daily… To my sister!

Hence I will be striking for junior doctors in March: since I’m now only being paid Β£15.6 after my paycut!

WTF is Β£15.6???????????? There’s tons of jobs needing less qualifications I can do that would pay much higher than this peanut amount of money.

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