Hello everybody! I haven’t updated because I’ve been really busy with my exams.
Mojuju has been really supportive. And I have my sister around to help out with the housework and the kids.
After my exams, I had a girls night out with his friends’ wives whom I made friends with. We stayed in the hotel together WITHOUT the husbands and kids!! Mojuju looked after both Monday and Tuesday on his own for the first time throughout the night so I can have my long deserved rest.
We had such an amazing time (without kids, wild and free 😂)
I was really impressed with Mojuju’s capability to look after BOTH kids on his own. He managed it really well! All the husbands gathered together with the kids so it wasn’t too bad. Apparently the kids had fun time playing together too 😂.
Do you know that beer pong is REALLY difficult? Also darts…… I really suck in darts…
Thank you Mojuju for everything you do for me ❤️
It’s been so long since you gave me flowers 😂 so I must show this off! 🤣😍
I found out that the smear campaign against me is still ongoing! I’m still living rent free in her head 😂😂😂
Sadly for her, the people she’s trying to sell the stories to, knows the real story behind it.
Even sadder is everyone is just pretending not to know including what she’s been talking about them behind (not surprising I’m not the only victim). And she really believes everyone are stupid enough to be manipulated by her when all they are doing is just entertaining her enough to stop her from badgering them.
But not me, because I’m done. There’s only so much I can take, and I hate gossips.
Not every elderly deserve your respect and kindness. Not everyone deserve a 100th chance. I think I gave enough chances, especially to someone who badmouth my parents and family!
Remember everyone, when you grow old, do not be a two faced hypocrite.
Can you believe that a 5 year old can actually get shingles?
All my life I thought it was an old people disease. I guess never say never: because my 21 year old sister also had recent activation of shingles only a few weeks ago!
Monday has been such a brave lad. (omg I sound so scouse saying that LOL). Anyone with shingles before knows just how painful it can be. He barely complains, only occasional whimper when he accidentally brushed it.
Seems like shingles is pretty mild in children, because his shingles cleared up in less than a week while it took my sister almost 3 weeks and she is STILL healing!
However because of the infectious nature of it (you can’t spread shingles but you spread chicken pox instead, which is the virus causing it), he was unable to attend school and his childminder as well as she has a baby who hasn’t had chicken pox before. I had to stay at home with him, and my manager told me to work from home.
Okay, I was told to work from home but also told that it’s normally not allowed 🤣🤣🤣😅 it’s so confusing. It made me feel really guilty… I actually lost sleep over it. I’ve been losing sleep over a lot of little things… I think my mental health is really wilting away. I’m trying to pick myself up quickly now!!! I starting doing qi gong exercises to free my mind. I’m trying to care less about the house, and trying to install flooring in our new extension because it’s one of those things that drives me crazy.
I also found out that I am carrying more duties than people who are paid the same salary and were the same grade as me, and bravely brought it up to the manager. To be fair… I found that out a month ago but I didn’t really say anything because I felt bad about it. I have 10 patients in the morning while others had only 6…. Maybe it doesn’t sound like a big difference but trust me, the time shortage is a LOOOOT different. BUT PLEASE CLAP FOR ME, BECAUSE I SPOKE UP. I SPOKE UP FOR MYSELF! I was told that it was a mistake that was overlooked. But it actually made me feel sad. I did felt like I was discriminated because…maybe… I’m… Not good enough..? But anyway I brought it up so that I won’t feel so stressed everyday for finishing late (it was slowly eroding my MH).
I never felt so anxious in my life before. Depressed? Sure….. I mean… I had SEVERE depressive episode needing hospitalisation… But this is different. I’m constantly worrying. I can’t sit still. I can’t sleep. I panic easily. I could feel my heart racing even now as I type. Wow I guess I really do have anxiety 🤣 BUT IT’S OKAY GUYS, I’m sure with exercise and meditation I will get better. It’s just a phase, and I will get through this unscathed!!
Our favourite girl has now turn two! I’d love to pass my crown as Princess Ichigo to Lil’Tuesday because not only she’s as sassy as I am was, she also loves strawberries as much as I did and loves posing with ’em strawberries!
Like the little bull she is, she is as stubborn as one but also as loving as one. She is currently STILL very attached to me. She finds me all the time the moment she comes home. She gets upset if I wasn’t at home and would start basically look through the entire house!!!
I was in the hospital seeing an ophthalmologist due to my new eye issue and Mojuju brought her home without me. She was crying by the door calling “mommy” all the time.
Despite turning two, she’s really not great at her speech. She learns fast, except with speech thought…. She does try but her pronunciation is just appalling 🤣😂. I’ve been trying to speak to her in mandarin too so I don’t repeat my failure with Mr. Monday…. And she does understand it well surprisingly!
I hope Lil’Tuesday continues to be the diva she is. I really hope that she always put herself first and never let patriarchy put her down. I love her to bits, and will always miss our nightly tickling moments.
I never thought I’d write this, but for some reason my family got involved and I was pretty upset. But now my mind is clear and free, and if anybody is in the same sticky situation as me: I’m writing this post for you.
Recently I have decided to stop pretending not to know about the name calling and false rumour spread from a certain person. It started 5 years ago and to maintain an amicable relationship, I closed an eye and an ear. However recent events has really enlightened me that some people not only do not have conscience but also basic moral values: and really, keeping a distance is the best thing to do.
I have been called a narcissist, evil, toxic, Meghan Munny 😂 (this one is hilarious), and throughout, I just pretended as if I never knew. I really with all my heart wanted to maintain a good relationship. But what would you do if you were in the same situation?
I could, right now expose this person. I could really, right now, post all the evidence and proof that I have that would clear my name to those who have been affected by the lies told about me. I don’t think that person knew just how much evidence I have about him/her, or the fact that others have sent me other evidence because they know me better and many have even been victim of similar issue by the very same culprit.
Recently my sister has been living with us when she’s not in her placement. She saw one of my storage acorn which she was like “AWWW this is such a cute container!”
Yes this was the acorn storage container that we somehow got from TKmaxx when we first move in.
“Oh that’s where I used to hid our condoms when we were still using them.” (we got much more reliable contraception now since we have TWO critters)
The trauma in her face was unimaginable.
P/s: Do forgive her innocence, she did just only obtained her 21-key-of-freedom 😂
“Why would you hide your condom here?!”
“ERM so that if we ever get robbed the robbers wouldn’t find our condom?”
“….. This is… Such a suspicious container. Like. Wouldn’t this be where they first search?!”
“I thought this container is really discreet? I mean… You wouldn’t think you can open this would you?”
“… No…. Its pretty obvious that you can open it…… Also why do you need to hide the condom in the first place? Shouldn’t you be hiding valuables?”
So I bought a really cheap hair curler from Temu for about £2. And it works WONDERS.
Througout my teens I’ve been trying many different curlers… Foam curlers… Kawaii strawberry curlers… Hair rollers, even the weird ones that u have to hook your hair into individually!
Unfortunately they are either too labour intensive, tricky, time consuming, or just horribly unfriendly.
BUT THISSSSSSSS! Not only it curls my hair overnight, it also keeps my hair from flying everywhere at home. And I do think that it’s quite cute when worn 😂
The top knot did come off when I woke up. Not sure if it’s just me sleeping like an ogre… But the curler was still intact!
I would highly recommend it but then my sister told me I could have done the same thing with a pair of old stockings…. 😭
I am currently having quite a health scare. I basically have been losing so much weight that I was size 10-12 and now I’m size 6! All this happened within a year.
Remember after giving birth to Lil’Tuesday I vow to lose weight? Well… apparently my resolve wasn’t that strong and after probably 3 sessions of jogging and running I turned back into a couch potato. But instead of gaining weight or just having my weight being steady, they began to drop off me like flies!!!
Okay half of you are probably thinking “Oh good for her. Look at her complaining about effortless weight loss…smh”.
WELL NO. Unintentional weight loss is a massive red flag for malignancy aka cancer.
I was finally 50kg and was able to donate blood. Within 2 weeks it continued to drop to below 50kg and I could no longer be eligible for donation anymore!!! T____T
well at least I got to donate my blood at least once in my life…
I even tried on my shorts that I had when I was 18 and you know what… It’s so loose that it’s falling off my hips. DUDE, I WAS ALMOST AS THIN AS A TOOTHPICK WHEN I WAS 18. And now I’m… thinner than that?!??!?!
Why am I so afraid of having cancer — because I have 2 children.
Honestly if it wasn’t for Mr. Monday or Lil’Tuesday I’m seriously not bothered. I have firsthand seen my close friends who suddenly lost their mother living a completely different life than when their moms were there… No one is to be blamed, but I know if auntie was there, she would have wanted them to have a very different growing up experience.
I think what I’m most afraid of is that both Monday and Tuesday are so young… and the chances of them remembering me is so slim. Will they know just how much I love them? Will they know just how much I wish to be with them?
Anyhooooooo I finally got a GP appointment after months of trying. I think it’s because of the new law of GP surgeries not allowed to ask patient to call back another day for appointment…. I’m sure that law is going to break all GP surgeries but I’m just so bloody glad I got an appointment. They sent me for a blood test and immediately after the blood test they rang me telling me that they need to discuss my results face to face….. talk about anxiety — this is not making me feel any better.
No one should be losing this much weight by … sitting around.
I really hope I’m just another stupid hypochondriac ._.!!