I was asked if I would forgive a certain mortal.

Truth to be told, I have forgave many

Many whom had wounded my heart.

I have forgotten many cuts, many burns.

Never have I believe in resentment.

Never had I failed.

But never have I thought too there would be a mortal,

Who is undeserving of any forgiveness in the world.

Do not resent the road you paved with trifling jealousy.

Resent choice.

Resent yourself.

My supervisor at work has introduced me to putting marmite onto my toast.


So I’ve been doing it at home with an XO marmite 😂 (yes I’m extreme). There’s actually an Xtra Old version of marmite by the same company! The flavour is so much more packed with the same level of saltiness! 🥹

What’s shocking to me is my sister gave me the ew face 😱 then when we were talking during my breakfast with me holding my toast, she was saying “oh why does it smell so bad here”, and then realised I was holding a marmite toast.

“oh, it’s your marmite that smells bad”


I’m not a superstitious so welcome 2024 everyone!! Here’s to another year of chaos because no moment in our home is quiet 😂

2023 has been a challenging year. There has been many interpersonal growth, learning to stand up for myself and my family, change of workplace and adaptations, academic hurdles.

Although it sounded like alot, I’m happy things has been going well. Mojuju and I are even more closer and understanding than before. My dad’s health has been improving since his surgery, and we are trying our best to get back home to see him ASAP. And Monday and Tuesday are growing well and healthy.

I’m also adapting well at work and got to know my colleagues better. They are all really nice to me, and my patients are really lovely as well. I really enjoy the community visit… Is it mean to say that the houses are much cleaner than the previous area I was deployed? 😅

Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the world. While we are bathing in comfort and bliss, half the the world are suffering in pain and hunger. I wish there’s something we can do collectively, but the older I get the less faith I have in humanity. We will always resort to violence. I’m not naive, I know that if one side withdraws violence, the other side may not. But I believe, if we be kind to everyone we are able to, the world will be a better place. 2023 has been a really bleak year for the world so I hope this year would be better.

So let’s start 2024 with love and kindness and end it with a better place for everyone we know!!


Happy birthday Jesus, eventhough your birthday was months before!

We were listening to Christmas music from Alexa until a birthday song came up. Lil’Tuesday favourite hit mix: but I was like “ok that’s not what I was looking for,” I then was told that technically it is Jesus’ birthday. I had a light bulb moment there 😂😱

We were actually having a candlelight dinner while listening to the music. Lil’Tuesday insisted we blow the candle 😅. Luckily for us, it was actually at the end of our dinner.

Oh how I love the vibe of candles and lighted Christmas tree in the corner of our dining room, with my mom’s signature black pepper lamb chop paired with our pond grown watercress (accidental farming 😂 seems like the koi is fertilising the watercress TOO WELL). I always loved candlelight dinners, but personally never had much of them because… Hey who needs candles when there’s electrical light right?? Mojuju is a very practical man….and he also LOVES SUPER BRIGHT ROOMS. (it gives me migraine sometimes so I bought dimmable bulbs now).

Our amazing watercress which I basically threw some seed into empty pond pot and forgotten about it for a year. 😂

I really made this year’s Christmas extremely exciting for Mr. Monday and Lil’Tuesday this year. Partially because last Christmas we were skint AF and made it a small Christmas with limited gifts. This year, I passed my exam and got a massive salary raise!! 20% raise 😭. Thank God I only took one attempt at it… So the salary raise didn’t cost much 😂

Yes Santa is super generous this year and you know what, Mondays and Tuesday definitely deserve it!

Some may say that I’m totally spoiling my kids. I don’t usually buy them gifts so I really think it’s well deserved. Monday and Tuesday was wiping all the cabinet and window clean yesterday, as well as moping THE ENTIRE GROUND FLOOR. You might think that a 5 year old and 2 year old probably didn’t do it well…. But no it’s seriously sparkling clean 😂. I’m really impressed with Lil’Tuesday. She sprays with (water which she thought its detergent) and really wipe everything really clean. Monday and Tuesday are also always showing so much affection to Mojuju and I, and they are the sweetest lil thing. They really deserve to be spoilt!!!

I still hope that bloodshed stops worldwide, and human can find a way to peace. I pray we escape from all suffering. And I pray the world would stop and appreciate the beauty of earth, and dissipate all hatred in their hearts that are holding them down.

I’m not a Christian, it didn’t stop me from loving a Christian man. I didn’t stop me from celebrating Christmas. Every festival are worth celebrating, because life is all about celebration and being in a community together.

Merry Christmas and stay safe everyone ❤️❤️❤️💕😘

My only day of the year with full make up on!

I went for my workplace Christmas nightout yesterday evening and it was a bomb! I NEVER KNEW MY SECRETARIES COULD JIGGLE LIKE THAT!

So me and my limited dance moves just rinse and repeat throughout the entire night 😂😂🤣🤣🤣. It’s really sad that colleague half my age and twice my age all have better dance moves than I have… I really need to up my game 😭

On the other hand there is a coughing bug going around recently. I caught it and had some hard time really. I’m all better now though just with some cough left in me.

I’m really saddened with the news of violence and suffering in the middle East. The war in Ukraine is still not over yet either. I hope all countries around the world continue their best to maintain peace among each other and prevent the occurance of another world war.

I find war and violence so futile. We are all the same species and yet we can’t find a way to live and enjoy this current moment together? The sun could go into supernova soon and wipe the earth barren; and yet we are focusing on conquering and dominating. Everything in life as Buddha say is impermanent, the beauty and the suffering.

I do this in every exam..

I recently took my RCGP exam in October. Hence I have been really busy. The good news is I passed guys!!! 😬 It was seriously surreal when I saw my results. I immediately started squealing outside of Lil’Tuesday’s nursery while trying to pick her up. There was a man lining up behind me when I did that so it was extremely embarrassing 🤣🤣🤣.

Continue reading “Don’t worry I passed!”

Being the eldest daughter means being born with extra responsibility. At a young age, I was to rock my baby sister to sleep, to change her diapers, to watch over her.

And when my dad frequently work out of the state, I took over the role of a protector unknowingly. My mother went through a tough time, and I have watched her cried, comforted her, sang sad songs with her throughout.

Growing up being the eldest daughter in a traditional Asian family had molded me into who I am today. I look resilient, I take over care roles. I take up responsibility. And in many different circumstances, I am always ready to help.

Continue reading “My recurring curse.”
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