Today is my first day at work in my new workplace, as a fully qualified ****** (why do we need to sensor this? I mean everyone knows I’m a doctor).

We celebrated my qualification on Saturday with a Japanese buffet meal with our friends from Birm! It was about 2 hours drive but it was definitely worth it though.

Princess Tuesday and I obviously dressed up to the nines. I even used the sarong that my grandmother always worn (pattern, not the physical thing sadly) as my selendang / scarf. We had SO MUCH FOOD. I mean it’s buffet, and it’s Japanese. The kids had so much sushi and sashimi that I think their swimming skills must have leveled up. I also got to cuddles with our friend’s newborn (5m). He is so teeny tiny and reminded me of when Mr. Monday was also teeny tiny.

Continue reading “First day @ work”

How was everybody’s Chinese New Year? We had an amazing one. Or at least I did. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) So apparently there was this heated debate on Tiktok about whether it should be CNY or Lunar New Year that I completely missed out. Qyuni my sister told me about it… Seriously these days people care about the least important thing in the world. I’m so glad I’m not involved with Tiktok because half the things I hear from it is just absolutely a waste of time and energy.

The reason why I updated so late after CNY was because I have been busy preparing for my CCT aka completion of training. I’ve finally completed my training for my specialty after SO MANY YEARS. (,,>﹏<,,) I truly don’t regret at all taking this long to finish, despite not having any extension time added to my training. It was because of maternity leave and working less than full time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But at the end of the day, it made me a more mature trainee. As my supervisor mentioned 2 years ago when she took me in, her priority was never to improve my clinical knowledge or skills, but more of preparing me to be more resilient to stress and pressure. ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) I’m really glad because I feel that with her guidance I am now a more confident person, not just as a doctor. I am able to put down boundaries and to not shy away from difficult conversations. ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

Last year, CNY was slightly depressing for me. Mojuju never used to celebrate CNY much with his family so it wasn’t really a big deal for him. But it was for my family. Having two very different upbringing was so difficult. But as I have mentioned, I have came a long way from just trying to do everything on my own and then building resentment and burnout, to actually putting down boundaries and have difficult conversations that need to happen. This year we worked so well as a team to get CNY ready ( ꈍ◡ꈍ). We had an amazing reunion dinner on CNY eve – which was customary to my family.

We made the lousang above together, unlike previous years before where I was doing everything myself because he wasn’t sure what to do. We were such a great team <3 seriously. The lousang was SO DELICIOUS because it is literally made with the freshest ingredients you can ever imagined. (Compared to the premade rubbish in a box you get from Malaysia lol). <(ꐦㅍ _ㅍ)>.

For those who doesn’t know, CNY eve night is typically called reunion dinner in Chinese. It is where families from all over the country (not across the country lol) come home to have a meal in their parents home. It’s sad that our parents couldn’t join us, especially when my parents are so hardworking to work throughout CNY week and Mojuju father unfortunately isn’t ready to fly such a distance (we did invite him (╥﹏╥) but it’s okay we will see him soon this year).

I however invited JayJay from work because he was like a brother to me. EVERYONE WANT TO SET UP HIM WITH MY SISTER— I just think it’s not great pushing things… things should happen naturally if it’s meant to be ya know… 𓁹‿𓁹. Anyhow he didn’t have reunion dinner this year so all of us at home felt that the more the merrier!!

Mr Monday had such a fun time with JayJay
Continue reading “A little update from your favourite psychopath :D”

How are you guys doing? You know while I was in Malaysia for 3 weeks I was fairly impressed with my immune system the entire time. I mean I wasn’t ill… no colds… just some allergies; nothing anti histamine can’t fix.

I came back to the U.K. and in less than 2 weeks I fall ill again. (Thanks useless WCC). You may think that maybe my neurophils are a little useless because of autoimmune neutropaenia. But actually I am more sus about my lymphocytes… I have been literally bounded to my bed all day yesterday with my baby sister Qyuni looking after Mr. Monday and Lil’Tuesday. I genuinely was struggling until she came home from uni. Lil’Tuesday was LITERALLY pulling my eyelids open every minute or so telling me not to fall asleep (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )

A lot of you have been asking me did I enjoy my time back home / how was my holiday. So I think I should expand a little on it.

Continue reading “Holy Moly it’s already almost the end of January!”

How did you spend your new year?

We have been exceptionally busy visiting all our family and relatives. I personally have been busy meeting the needs of Monday and Tuesday 😭😭😭 they need CONSTANT stimulation. They are either in the swimming pool, the playground, wrecking other’s houses or running around my parent’s home.

My aunts, mom and I

My 3rd aunt invited me to her home for lunch. Lucky for the kids, she works as a childminder and had lots of toys for them to play with. Unfortunately… Most of my relatives doesn’t speak English so they didn’t quite understand anything 😂😂😂😂

Homg look at those food.

Her cooking tasted like childhood. How do I put it… It was both comforting and heart wrenching at the same time. Sadly my 3rd uncle is no longer around, but he has always been nice to me too.


The exact table I had my meals when I was less than 4-5 under her care!

The table has outlive many people 😂 how is it still so sturdy? Jeez… Things were really made to last back then.

I really wanted to have a big countdown this year but my dad had to go complete some audit stock check last minute 🙄… Yes he’s a bit like Mojuju, – – – – and everything to the last minute. Or is this a men thing? 🤣🤣😎 Well I just ended up not carrying out our feast 😭. Even more crazy, we tried to watch live countdown on YouTube and sis told me the channel I was on will turn into a real firework at 12midnight AND IT DIDN’T 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 I WILL FOREVER TEASE HER FOR IT 😂😂😂😂😂

A congratulatory card from one of my bff that I opened today ❤️


I spent so much money on recent black Friday sale in preparation for Christmas because we’re not going to be home for Christmas. Becauseeeeeeeeeee WE’RE FLYING FINALLY!!

Lil’Tuesday finally got her passport settled so it will be the first time for us to fly home after 5 long hard years. My mom is so excited to meet her for the first time!!!!  💃 (pstttt I knows she secretly likes Mr. Monday more – – – but it’s alright because Lil’Tuesday likes my dad and my father in law more anyway 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂). I guess this is what the call the laws of opposite attraction… Wait or is it opposite of law attraction?… Doesn’t sound right 😕 ANYWAY U GET THE IDEA!

I bought Mr. Monday a Switch and Lil ‘Tuesday lots of Princess dresses. 🤣 The I shopped for A LOT OF BOOKS to encourage them to read (it actually worked. This is mad! I’ll blog about this another day). Mojuju the large spender 😒 then influenced me to go and shop for even more stuff under some cashback programme 🤣 and I ended up buying a pokemon Charizard waffle maker for the kids however…….

Continue reading “Ready for Christmas?”

I got a really good news to share ❤️❤️❤️ after months of hardwork, Mojuju finally got lots of job offers 🎊. He got his first shift last night which really worried me 😓.

Nevermind that it’s a bit of a drive, it was a full day shift which I thought was pretty harsh of the client. I stayed up late last night to wait for him to come home. He was so tired that he didn’t want me to reheat dinner for him. I left him to unwind in the living room. But at least I could tell that he had a good shift.

Now all is left is for me to start hunting for a job. 😭 I’m torn between doing a salaried permanent job vs locum. If course locum is better paid, but I love being able to settle somewhere and develop the service together as a team. My CV is done and checked by a few senior partners and managers who reassured me that it looked fine. 👌 The only think I’m thinking about is whether I should have a short career break and Mojuju since he is now employed as locum…. I’ll see how I feel after new year I guess.

Continue reading “One step forward.”

Unless I’m stupid and sign up for random advance courses (which I technically doesn’t even need ANYMORE)

So first of all good news guysssss I have passed my VERY VERY FINAL SPECIALTY EXAM. I truly am in disbelief. 😂😂 I didn’t really prepare for it. I did it with minimal effort…. And even my supervisor was like “wow OctFly, maybe you should really postpone this”

Sadly it was too late to postpone or else I’d have to forfeit my fees. So… I had like 3 weeks of just prepping a little, and went into the exam like it’s another day at work. Came out of it, like another day at work too 😂😂


Genuinely I’m so lucky. So now I’m fully qualified once the yearly certifying panels reviews all my portfolio. ☺️☺️☺️🎊

Ok I got a bad news though 😂 please prepare for this.

I need to job hunt as a fully qualified GP… Since now I’m done I’m gonna ‘graduate’ from being a trainee which means my contract no longer applies because I’m such a winner 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Initially I wanted a month career break: but Mojojo recently lost his job 3 months ago too and is still job hunting as well. So now I also am losing my job once I’m approved by the board. GREAT. We gonna be a job hunting couple 🤣😂 Welcome to adulthood. I never thought we would have this day, but like every other adult.. Career change is reeeeaaalll.

I am quite optimistic that I’ll get a job. My portfolio and CV is amazeeeennggggg. It’s really their loss if they don’t get to hire me. 😏 But it just mean that I’ll never have my career break. Ever. Forever. 😑

OH WAIT I got another amazing news though. Our beloved sister is FLYING in her career!!! She’s literally on China for a Globe Movie award as a director 👏👏🌐🌐🌐🎊🎊🎊🎊 or producer? Wait. Is a producer the one who sponsors the whole thing? No I’m sure she a part of the director. And story board people. Omg. I cannot understand films terminology. BUT she’s amazing ok. She literally like went into her career climbing each steps. She works so hard!! Sometimes going home at 4am in the morning, not even sleeping for days 😭😭😭😭 she deserves it so muchhh.

Psttttt….. Meanwhile my baby sister is sulking because she thinks I’m trying to replace her with a coworker that feels like a baby sibling to me 🤣🤣🤣

YOOOOOOOOOO….. Sadly there’s not much heat for Diwali here compared to back home. Sigh… What happened to the tubs of muruku and peanut cookies?

Coincidentally it fell on Halloween day today. It’s a little ironic as Diwali was meant to be festival of light and for evil to be warded but then you get people dressing up as zombies walking around the streets in the dark with monstrous decorations everywhere 😂😂😂

So to give you a little light in the dark, HERE’S ME IN MY NEW LEHENGA!

The background is actually AI generated 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I do look like I’m back home though LOL

The new lehenga is colourful but it’s actually a little big 😭 because I have unfortunately (or fortunately) lost even more weight. I’m not sure what’s going on but I’m now fitting into almost all my old clothes easily now. Only the Jean shorts from when I was 18 feels a little tight.

ANYWAYYY, I still prefers my old sari. Because it was fitted years ago, it actually is much more fitting. Also the colour is lovely, and I really do love green ❤️❤️❤️

I hope the pleating isn’t too terrible…

I really love Hindu / Indian culture. My primary school was super local, and we had a lot of Indians, Punjabis, Malay and even indigenous people. To be fair there were only a handful of us Chinese there since it wasn’t a Chinese educated school.

I spent a lot time with my classmate Sutha especially early in the morning because we’re always the earliest to arrive. She taught me how to write her name in Tamil, BUT I COULD NEVER LEARN MY OWN NAME. But I think my name translates to “red ants” or something which was super lame 😂😂😂😂

Another classmate of ours Loga would bring bindi to school and put it on us. She had like the most sexiest husky voice 😂😂 although neither of us realised it at that point of time…. We were such an innocent group of girls.

Continue reading “Happy Deepavali 2024!”
We went to watch the wild robot together during Monday’s school closure.

Konichiwaaaaaaa how is everyone doing? I’m doing faaaab honestly. Mr Monday had his school closed recently unfortunately due to some extreme violence that nearly resulted in manslaughter. Luckily it was not during school times and the teachers took quick decision to inform all parents that the school is closed for the day.

We were planning to watch the wild robot anyway because Monday saw it on some bus the day before and asked me for it. (kudos to that advertisement…..)

Since the school closed we went earlier after my swimming sessions. (wow I really sick at swimming these days 😂😂😂😂🏊). And do you know what, IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST SHOW WE’VE SEEN THIS YEAR. Kungfu Panda is nothing compared to this!

So if you haven’t watch this, you should! I was crying throughout the show 🤣 omfg. It’s such a nice show although I feel that some parts could be made more emotional, but again, not everything must be made blatant. Some things are better left unsaid?

So yes if you haven’t watch this make it a point to! You won’t regret it!

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