Unless I’m stupid and sign up for random advance courses (which I technically doesn’t even need ANYMORE)
So first of all good news guysssss I have passed my VERY VERY FINAL SPECIALTY EXAM. I truly am in disbelief. 😂😂 I didn’t really prepare for it. I did it with minimal effort…. And even my supervisor was like “wow OctFly, maybe you should really postpone this”
Sadly it was too late to postpone or else I’d have to forfeit my fees. So… I had like 3 weeks of just prepping a little, and went into the exam like it’s another day at work. Came out of it, like another day at work too 😂😂
Genuinely I’m so lucky. So now I’m fully qualified once the yearly certifying panels reviews all my portfolio. ☺️☺️☺️🎊
Ok I got a bad news though 😂 please prepare for this.
I need to job hunt as a fully qualified GP… Since now I’m done I’m gonna ‘graduate’ from being a trainee which means my contract no longer applies because I’m such a winner 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Initially I wanted a month career break: but Mojojo recently lost his job 3 months ago too and is still job hunting as well. So now I also am losing my job once I’m approved by the board. GREAT. We gonna be a job hunting couple 🤣😂 Welcome to adulthood. I never thought we would have this day, but like every other adult.. Career change is reeeeaaalll.
I am quite optimistic that I’ll get a job. My portfolio and CV is amazeeeennggggg. It’s really their loss if they don’t get to hire me. 😏 But it just mean that I’ll never have my career break. Ever. Forever. 😑
OH WAIT I got another amazing news though. Our beloved sister is FLYING in her career!!! She’s literally on China for a Globe Movie award as a director 👏👏🌐🌐🌐🎊🎊🎊🎊 or producer? Wait. Is a producer the one who sponsors the whole thing? No I’m sure she a part of the director. And story board people. Omg. I cannot understand films terminology. BUT she’s amazing ok. She literally like went into her career climbing each steps. She works so hard!! Sometimes going home at 4am in the morning, not even sleeping for days 😭😭😭😭 she deserves it so muchhh.
Psttttt….. Meanwhile my baby sister is sulking because she thinks I’m trying to replace her with a coworker that feels like a baby sibling to me 🤣🤣🤣